Friday, May 31, 2013

On the move... Seattle! Our time came to an end in lovely Abu a few weeks or so ago and now we are so excited for this new adventure. We are close to Liz and Jess and we are finding this area of the Northwest is full of interesting places to see, hiking galore, art shows, farmers markets, new volunteer and job opps, great places to Kayak, new people to know and add to our list of dear friends~ oh, the possibilities are endless. I can definitely say, that the Lord moves us in directions that are sometimes not forseen until they are upon us and if we are open to His possibilities and His path, we will always have the very best experience and one that we can cherish in our memory bank forever. Blessings~ oh so many~ no one said it would be an easy path just one to add to our earthly experience.
We have spent the past two weeks with Liza and family. Helping out with new granddaughter, Sofie and two year old wild man, Enzo. Bob goes off to work and I have the chance to chat it up with Liza, cuddle Sofie and run around with my little E man. I am so lucky! I got thinking this morning how rare this opportunity is for me and I just want to soak it in and enjoy every minute. We so much appreciate our children, spouses and grandkiddies for all the love~
House hunting is always one that I have a love~hate relationship with. It is very spendy to live here and understandably so as it's b`e`a`u`t`i`f`u`l! But 1500. for 700 sq. ft~ give me a break! Outrageous!But we are finding some lovely places that will certainly do until we someday settle down and buy another house to add to our lovely Paradise abode. Our household in Abu is on the Atlantic Ocean and won't be here until sometime in July. Our house will be an extreme minimalist place~ for a bit. Anywho, life is good~ so good~ so good

Sunday, April 28, 2013


Barangay~ so much love
On Friday nights many of our friends from the Philippines get together and because we love a party and a get together we have been joining them. A bit like an FHE but much more than that. It's a time to share feelings, love, sing and just hang out. We have loved this gathering more than words can express. I have never been around a more happy, resilient bunch! They come from all walks of life and all kinds of professions. Most are college educated and do more than their share of the work here in the UAE. Many are here without family since they can't afford to bring them and send monies home. But happily that is changing, little by little and it is so fun to see more couples and more kiddies added to our group. I am going to miss them so very much; each and every one. They have made my life soooo rich. They sang a going away song to us and I don't think there was a dry eye in the place. Our friends Gemma and Lito gave us beautiful watches that we will treasure forever. I told many of the young gals that when they marry we would come to the Philippines to share in their joy. I guess we will be visiting there many, many times! When we first went to church here in Abu, I noticed that there were no older people. Then I realized that "we" are the older people! Funny how you don't realize you are aging until you do! So, a BIG THANK YOU to our Filipino friends~ we will never forget you.
Myreene, Cassy, me, Katie and Delila

The Avencia's~ they have 7 kids! They are an amazing couple

Our dear sweet friends Belinda and Peli

I'm sooo sneaky, hehe! with my sweet friend, Katie. Who reminds me so much of Jessi.

These gals are so fun and so sweet. I love each and every one!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Somebody has to live this life...

... and it might as well be me :-) Never in my wildest dreams could I imagine a life so full of adventures, moves and rubbing shoulders with so many incredible people from so many walks of life and countries. Everyday I have to pinch myself about where I am and what I see. With that said, we will soon be off to a new treasured adventure. We are very sad about leaving our sweet, amazing friends here in Abu. We have more memories than could ever be included in a book. I have learned some very valuable lessons from those who are amazingly resilient in the face of many hardships and difficulties. I have soooo much gratitude for all those I have met who have been added to my forever friend list. So, we move to another great place that moves us closer to our cherished family. The Lord has been so mindful of us and always puts us in the places He desires us to be. Of that I know; no doubt. My sweet Mr B is one incredible man and what a life he has given me~ not perfect by any means but one full of the adventure that I always crave and relish in. Every place is like opening a gift~ full of wonder and surprises. The people are always the wonder and surprises :-) As it's not so much the place but always the people that make the journey so amazing.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

New favorite quote...

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt~
~Abraham Lincoln~

We had an earthquake!

Yesterday, I was sitting at the computer doing my family history~I'm totally hooked by the way. But as I was sitting there I felt myself getting dizzy. But then I noticed that our building was swaying~ scary!! I ran into the bathroom and climbed into the tub~ I know I read somewhere that the tub is a good place to be in an earthquake. So, it wasn't me but our building that was having a "dizzy" spell. After having quite the fiasco with our housing over the past month, I was extremely grateful for not being on the 38th floor anymore after the shaking episode.  It reminded me how things might not be going exactly like we would want them to but somebody above knows the big picture and what's best~ I need to remember this bit of wisdom for next time~ for there will always be a next time because we are "spirits having a human experience"!