Monday, November 12, 2012


We spent Saturday at the Abu Dhabi Art Festival. What an incredible experience! Three galleries full of art from the Middle East, all over Europe and South America. I was fascinated at the various things that others call art. Some that I'm sure our Grand kids could have done and were selling for an exorbitant price. There was a good mix of drawing, painting, sculpture, architecture, printmaking, digital graphics, collage, photography in mixed media, modern art, impressionistic, fabric art and so much more. I was in heaven! We love a good gallery. Not only was the art great but it was a melting pot of very interesting people from all walks of life. We saw wealthy art aficionados, colorful artists and lots of children who were involved in the myriad of activities for them. No matter what venue happens here there are always programs and activities for the children. The locals want so much for them to experience everything that the oodles of money here can give them. I'm always amazed at the variety and the hugeness of everything that goes on. Example in point, two well known artists are creating a massive pyramid a few miles out of the city,  using 440,000 55 gallon colorful oil drums. They have been planning it for over 30 years; just waiting for the art community here in Abu to catch up to the rest of the world :-) It will be magnificent when completed in 2015. We met a young woman named Nicky Broekhuysen who creates her art with the number stamps 1 and 0. Very time consuming and detailed. She was a delight! I now want to create something!

So this is one more thing that has contributed to the life here and a little glimpse of a Saturday so well spent. 

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