Wednesday, April 10, 2013

We had an earthquake!

Yesterday, I was sitting at the computer doing my family history~I'm totally hooked by the way. But as I was sitting there I felt myself getting dizzy. But then I noticed that our building was swaying~ scary!! I ran into the bathroom and climbed into the tub~ I know I read somewhere that the tub is a good place to be in an earthquake. So, it wasn't me but our building that was having a "dizzy" spell. After having quite the fiasco with our housing over the past month, I was extremely grateful for not being on the 38th floor anymore after the shaking episode.  It reminded me how things might not be going exactly like we would want them to but somebody above knows the big picture and what's best~ I need to remember this bit of wisdom for next time~ for there will always be a next time because we are "spirits having a human experience"!

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