Tuesday, October 30, 2012


I do!
Enzo the speed reader!
Sister Ang,my reading guru and Carter 2009
Harris Readers!
That Carter what a smartie!
Eli a lover of books!

I have been taking some math classes on line. Yes, someday I am going to obtain that degree that I never seemed to be able to finish. It will be a great day. I want to be sure that I leave a legacy of education to my children and grandchildren. I would like them to be avid readers, to enjoy the gift of acquiring knowledge, to read for themselves why things work the way they do and how to fix things. I want them to know about math and all its intricacies into our society, the fascination of physics, the beauty and amazement of flowers and plants, to know why the stars are out there and why the caterpillar changes into a Butterfly. How to play an instrument and revel in the joy of learning to practice until you succeed. I hope they learn some things about the law and study the constitution. Because of those laws, created over 230 years ago, they are free and live in a place full of opportunities.  Oh my, there are so many things to know! When a baby begins to explore his or her world they go for things that are colorful, shift in the light or make sound. They are already learning the things that some of the great inventors started thinking about and led to light bulbs, telephones, telescopes… see endless! Babies are so smart!
I found an article recently regarding the cost of things now versus then.
Dollar Times
It was interesting to see that our rent in 1976 when we were in college is now a whopping 813.23 and the hubby’s out of state quarterly tuition is now equal to 3,517.23. No wonder we were starving! But was it worth it~certainly. I live in a land where the local people are given such an easy life. They get a house when they are married, a monthly stipend from the government, free healthcare~yes free! (with an average of 10-14 visits per person per year~yikes!), free education~ even for those studying abroad. But along with all the freebie’s there is a down side which I won’t go into but you can guess right?! Just let it suffice to say the words entitled, rude, lazy and spoiled take on a whole new meaning. So, I guess I will continue my classes and my learning even if it’s not free~ oh, what a gift to have knowledge in all its varieties at our fingertips and within the pages of an amazing book, computer, Ipad or phone. My children and grandchildren always amaze me with their smartness, what a blessing to live in these times of amazing technology and amidst all these smart people! Wow! I learn so much from each person I meet~ what a gift!

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