Friday, October 12, 2012


A few months ago some of our good friends here convinced us to try a new TV series. She told me that we would love it and well, we do. Now this is coming from two people who rarely watched any TV for like 30 years. Yes, we always had a TV but just never got into watching the latest, newest and coolest that everyone was raving about. We weren't that cool I guess:-| But over the last couple of years, and even though we are WAY behind in our coolness, we have watched a couple of series type shows. Anyway back to the story, I do tend to get side tracked, now where was I going with all this?? Oh yes, the series it's~~ White Collar. Now, I know that many of you have been watching this for like 4 years but like I said we are not that cool~~ yet. Our friends daughter somehow (I'm not asking) copied the entire 3 last seasons so we didn't have to keep buying them on I tunes at 2.99 a pop. We became obsessed and now we are finished watching because, well, we ran out of shows. Funny thing is I received a text message a few months ago from Liza and she told me about a good show that they had found to watch~ yep, White Collar and they were addicted too. Then we happened to mention our findings to another member of the Harris clan and now~ they are addicted too. I think it's a genetic thing since all of our children have inherited someone's (not saying but his name starts with a B) non-ability to not see the end of ANYTHING~ ever! But that's part of their charm and lovability. So if anyone wants the series of White Collar we have them and you like us will also be addicted.


jg said...

Ron is/has been extremely addicted to White Collar as well. Me...I don't watch ALL of the series he watches but some of them & that one is ok. Good TV watching~can you get ROKU or HULU or anything like that since they sometimes carry the TV series shows.

Jeene G.

Cyndi said...

No, we can't get either of those or anything else like it here :-( We are in such great company with Ron being addicted too...LOL! We love you two :-)