Sunday, August 26, 2012


Last week I discovered that there are a couple of creepy sites checking out my blog. What's up with that?? I don't really want to go private but might have to do so. I know that many are choosing the privacy route for safety purposes~~ isn't it sad that not even a little blog is safe?? Oh my! I could really get on a soap box about that one. So to the creepers~ get lost!
On a lighter note, with 3 days to play because of the Eid Holiday here in the Middle East, we took off for a 5 day amazing trip to the southern sea coastal villages of Oman. It was a trip that I will never forget. Just walking through these remote villages and having the people be super friendly and kind. Inviting us to their meager homes, letting me take pictures of them, hiking the Wadi's (canyons) and playing and swimming in the sea and the wadi swimming holes~~ it was a dream come true for me. I keep wondering how I got so lucky! Pictures to come manana!
If you have any comments/help regarding the privacy issue I would certainly love it.
What an incredible world we live in~ so little time~so many places to discover~get out there~ enjoy!! 

1 comment:

annjeanette said...

Well, apparently you chose to go private. Mine has always been private. I have never wanted people that I don't know being able to know a lot about our lives, especially in regards to my kids.

Of course, that doesn't stop me from "lurking" on some blogs where I don't know the people. But I enjoy the stories I can relate to about motherhood and the writing. So maybe that isn't a great reason to "blog stalk" but I am not a creeper. ;)