Wednesday, August 1, 2012

I'm in the news!

Well, not exactly in the news but maybe. You see, I went on a little picture taking excursion last week and while I was out in the blazing heat I was approached by a man also taking pictures. He had a MUCH nicer and bigger camera than mine and seemed to know what he was doing. Me... I'm learning. So he told me that he needed some pictures of people on the beach taking pictures and would I be in his. I was hesitant as I was not cute that day~ and no earrings! Holy Cow! But I had my BIG middle eastern sunglasses so figured I was safe. He took a ton of pictures and I just stood there very casually looking like I knew what I was doing taking my own pictures. After about 15-20 minutes he was finished. I asked him a few things about himself and found out that he was from India but worked for one of the big newspapers in the UAE~~ he gave me his card. He was the chief photographer for the Gulf News! Oh my!
I might be in the news~but maybe not. But that's okay as it makes for a great story :-)
 Here are some of the ones I took that day~ what say ye Pop! Any good? 
NOTE:Just left click on the pictures to get a bigger view.

1 comment:

Liza said...

I'm sure you'll be in the paper, they only put pics of the cute ones in there you know ;) At least you had your Abu Dhabi glasses on ;):0 I'm glad the photo mosaic worked, awesome!